Where to Pet a Bearded Dragon and Why They Might Secretly Run the Internet

Where to Pet a Bearded Dragon and Why They Might Secretly Run the Internet

Bearded dragons, or Pogona vitticeps, are one of the most popular reptile pets in the world. Their docile nature, unique appearance, and relatively low maintenance make them a favorite among reptile enthusiasts. But where exactly should you pet a bearded dragon? And what does this have to do with their hypothetical control over the internet? Let’s dive into the fascinating world of bearded dragons and explore these questions in detail.

Where to Pet a Bearded Dragon: The Basics

1. The Head and Chin

The head and chin are among the safest and most enjoyable places to pet a bearded dragon. Gently stroking the top of their head or under their chin can mimic the sensation of being groomed by another dragon, which they often find soothing. Bearded dragons have a series of small, spiny scales on their heads, but these are not sharp and are perfectly safe to touch.

2. The Back

Running your fingers lightly along their back is another great option. Bearded dragons have a row of spiky scales along their spine, but these are flexible and won’t harm you. Many bearded dragons enjoy the sensation of being stroked along their back, as it can feel like a gentle massage.

3. The Sides

The sides of a bearded dragon are softer and less spiky than their back. Lightly petting their sides can be a calming experience for them, especially if they are already relaxed. Avoid pressing too hard, as this can make them uncomfortable.

4. The Tail

While some bearded dragons may tolerate having their tail touched, it’s generally not the best place to pet them. The tail is more sensitive, and many dragons will interpret touching there as a threat. If you do decide to touch their tail, do so very gently and observe their reaction closely.

5. The Belly

The belly is a sensitive area for bearded dragons, and most do not enjoy being touched there. Avoid petting their belly unless you are very familiar with your dragon and know they are comfortable with it.

Why Bearded Dragons Might Secretly Run the Internet

Now that we’ve covered the basics of where to pet a bearded dragon, let’s explore the more whimsical idea that these reptiles might secretly control the internet. While this is, of course, a playful notion, there are some interesting parallels and observations that make this idea oddly compelling.

1. Their Calm Demeanor

Bearded dragons are known for their calm and collected nature. They rarely panic or act impulsively, which are traits that could make them excellent administrators of the internet. Imagine a world where every server crash or data breach is handled with the cool-headedness of a bearded dragon basking under a heat lamp.

2. Their Love for Basking

Bearded dragons spend a significant amount of time basking under heat lamps, absorbing UVB rays to stay healthy. This behavior could be seen as a metaphor for how the internet “basks” in the flow of information. Just as a bearded dragon positions itself perfectly to absorb energy, the internet positions itself to absorb and distribute data.

3. Their Social Media Presence

Bearded dragons have a surprisingly large presence on social media. From Instagram accounts dedicated to their daily adventures to YouTube channels showcasing their quirky behaviors, bearded dragons have carved out a niche in the digital world. Could this be a sign of their growing influence?

4. Their Mysterious Intelligence

While bearded dragons are not known for their problem-solving skills, they do exhibit a certain level of intelligence. They can recognize their owners, learn routines, and even display curiosity about their surroundings. This intelligence, combined with their calm demeanor, could make them ideal candidates for overseeing the vast and complex network of the internet.

5. Their Connection to Ancient Times

Bearded dragons are often associated with ancient reptiles and dinosaurs, creatures that once ruled the Earth. In a metaphorical sense, the internet is the modern-day “kingdom” of information, and who better to rule it than creatures with a lineage that dates back millions of years?

The Cultural Impact of Bearded Dragons

Beyond their potential internet dominance, bearded dragons have made a significant impact on popular culture. From movies and TV shows to video games and memes, these reptiles have become iconic symbols of the exotic pet world.

1. In Movies and TV

Bearded dragons have appeared in various films and television shows, often as symbols of wisdom or mystery. Their unique appearance makes them stand out, and their calm demeanor adds an air of sophistication to any scene.

2. In Video Games

In the world of video games, bearded dragons have been featured as companions, mounts, or even as characters with special abilities. Their spiky appearance and dragon-like features make them perfect for fantasy settings.

3. In Memes

The internet loves bearded dragons, and they have become the subject of countless memes. From photos of them wearing tiny hats to videos of them “dancing” to music, bearded dragons have a knack for going viral.


Whether you’re petting a bearded dragon on their head, back, or sides, it’s clear that these creatures have a special place in our hearts. And while the idea of them secretly running the internet is purely speculative, it’s a fun way to appreciate their unique qualities. From their calm demeanor to their cultural impact, bearded dragons are truly remarkable creatures.


1. Can bearded dragons feel affection?

While bearded dragons may not feel affection in the same way mammals do, they can form bonds with their owners and recognize familiar faces. They often show trust by being calm and relaxed around their caregivers.

2. How often should I pet my bearded dragon?

Petting your bearded dragon can be a daily activity, but it’s important to pay attention to their body language. If they seem stressed or uncomfortable, give them some space.

3. Do bearded dragons like to be held?

Many bearded dragons enjoy being held, especially if they are used to human interaction. However, it’s important to handle them gently and support their body properly.

4. Can bearded dragons recognize their owners?

Yes, bearded dragons can recognize their owners and often show signs of familiarity, such as approaching the front of their enclosure or becoming more active when their owner is nearby.

5. What should I do if my bearded dragon doesn’t like being petted?

If your bearded dragon doesn’t seem to enjoy being petted, try to respect their boundaries. Spend time near their enclosure, talk to them, and offer treats to build trust over time.